Gorge Road Artisan Virtual Market
Saturday and Sunday, December 5 & 6 2020 Shop updates at 10:00am EST
A virtual gathering of Finger Lakes art and crafts.
Finger Lakes based artists Laurel O'Brien and Hannah Graeper Carver conceived of the idea of hosting an intimate sales event for friends and family in 2010. Laurel is a jeweler and Hannah is a potter and they wanted to create a year end event to showcase their work. Because the original event was intended to be a small affair, it was decided that there would be plenty of room to have the sale at Hannah's childhood home on Gorge Rd in Trumansburg, NY. That original sale was such a success that the two artists have been hosting it ever since. The sale is still held at the rural farmhouse on Gorge Rd, giving it a cozy charm unlike any holiday market you've ever been to.
This year is the 11th annual Gorge Rd Artisan Market. Due to the global pandemic, we decided to go virtual! All participating artists will update their shops with new work promptly at 10:00 am EST on Saturday, December 5. In addition, participating artists will be offering a 10% discount available only december 5 &6, just use the promo code GORGEROAD at checkout. In years past we have always held a popular free raffle. This year we have opted to offer several free giveaways via Instagram, so be sure to follow @gorgeroadartisan, @hannahgraeperpottery and @laurelobrienjewelry for updates and details on how to enter. We're so sad not to see you in person this year but we're excited to try out this new medium. Thank you for your patronage during these difficult times. Stay safe, be well, smile often and we'll see you in 2021.